Guarantee Page

100% Accuracy Guarantee

We stand behind our work 100%. If you receive your custom product and it does not look like the proof that you approved, we will quickly repair or replace it free of charge plus give you a bonus credit.

Lifetime Embroidery Guarantee

Whether it's 8 months or 80 years from now, if an embroidery thread comes loose on your jacket that you purchased from us, we'll fix it for you free of charge. If we can't fix it, we'll replace it. We keep all previous orders on file forever, so we can recreate any embroidered order exactly as it was before.

Please note: This guarantee applies to embroidered items only, where our company did the embroidery. All letters and designs that were sewn on or embroidered by us are covered for life. This guarantee covers the actual embroidery itself, not the garment that was embroidered on.

What's not covered:

• Loss or theft.
• Abuse, accidents, misuse, or alterations to the product.
• Exposure to the elements (sun, wind,water/moisture) and discoloration or fading over time.
• Normal cleaning and maintenance.
• Any damage to the garment that does not have anything to do with the embroidery.
• Non-embroidered items.
• Shipping charges.




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